Year 5

Miss Cooke

Welcome to Year 5!

Welcome back! I hope you had a great half term break!

PE Sessions will be on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is in school at the start of each half term.

Spellings will be given out on Monday and will be tested the following Monday.

Reading Please try to read for at least 10 minutes daily with your child.

Please come back to our class page regularly for updates about your child’s learning and if you need to contact me, please press the button on the right and start your message FAO Miss Cooke. Alternatively, contact the office and leave a message. I will get back to you as quickly as I can.

What are we learning?

In English…

In English, we will be reading ‘Beowulf’ as retold by Michael Morpurgo. We will write a persuasive letter.

In Maths…

In Maths, we will explore the measurement of mass, temperature, time and length. We will convert units of measure e.g. millimetres to centimetres and from centimetres to metres.


In Science…

Our unit in Science is ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’. During this unit of work, children will learn the seven life processes that distinguish living from non-living things. They will consolidate and extend previous learning on the life cycles of plants and animals, comparing and describing differences in the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and insects.


In RE…

In RE, we will be looking at the role and significance of women in the Bible and God’s big story. We will be reflecting on the actions of these women and considering what we can learn from their stories. We will learn about the story of  Esther and the Jewish festival of Purim.

In Topic…

In topic, our primary focus is History. We will explore Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots.

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Click here to visit Purple Mash
Click here to visit TT Rockstars

East Crompton St George’s CE Primary School is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

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