Year 1

Mrs Robinson

Welcome to Year 1!

Welcome to the last half term in year 1!

This term we will continue to work on developing our reading skills as well as writing clear sentences with a conjunction. In Maths we will continue to ensure that we can recall number facts at speed and are confident counting forwards and backwards from a given number. As was the case last term when I am not teaching the class Mrs Lord or Mrs Atkinson will teach.

PE days are Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that the children keep their kit in school and this will be sent home each half term. PE uniform should consists of a plain white polo shirt/t-shirt, black shorts, black leggings or plain black tracksuit bottoms,. Trainers/pumps and a red fleece/jumper/cardigan for outdoor PE.

Reading is the key to your child’s learning. The children will keep the same book for 3 days. Please read this book each night with your child and discuss what has happened in the story. As the children are reading the same book at home and school they should increase pace and fluency. Please sign the reading record each time you have read the book.

Important information

The National Phonics Screening Test for all Year 1 children will take place in June. Information about the screening check can be found using the link below.

What are we learning?

In English…

In English this term we will begin with the book ‘Beegu’ where we will recall the structure do the story and begin to add new events. We will also write a fact file about Amelia Earhart. We will focus on sentence structure, punctuation and conjunctions within a sentence.

In Maths…

This term in Maths we will revise some of the key operational skills such as addition and subtraction. We will look at the value of a number and use this knowledge to add and subtract. We will continue to practise the quick recall of the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication facts.

In Science…

Our focus for the summer term will be materials as well as observe the changing seasons. We will look at naming different materials and well as looking at the properties and the uses. We will identify the changing seasons and what can be seen as we approach summer.

In RE…

This half term we will be looking at Jesus. Children will explore what life was like when Jesus – God the Son was alive on earth. They will understand that Jesus lived a long time ago and that the world we live in is very different to Jesus’ world over 2000 years ago. 

In Topic…

The history topic this term we will be looking at significant events in London. We will look at what makes a significant event and what events have been significant beyond living memory.

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